Overheard Conversation

This is a great exercise specifically for writers, but it can help all creatives be more aware of their surroundings. Have a pen and journal handy and record an overheard conversation. Write down who is involved and a few key things about them and the situation. Then write down word for word what each one is saying. This is a great exercise when trying to write dialogue. It will give you a better understanding of how people speak to one another. It may sound a lot different when you concentrate on their words and listen.

When writing dialogue it can often come across as stale or unnatural. This exercise will train your ear and your mind to listen to the natural dialogue. Write down how the people in the conversation are talking to one another. Are they angry, frustrated or excited? What is the setting? Are they sitting at a table at Starbucks or are you listening to your kids play in the next room?

Even if you’re not a writer working on dialogue, this might be a fun creative activity to take part in. Maybe it will spark another interest and you write a short story around it.

This week, take on the role of a spy and record an overheard conversation.


The Power of Mantra


Mantra is a powerful tool that helps aid in concentration and focus.  Typically a mantra is a word or a sound that is either said aloud or in your head and sometimes repeated in order to create an awareness or focus in meditation.  Some mantras are directly correlated to our chakras, or energy centers.  These mantras are called seed or “bija” mantras.

If you have taken a yoga class, chances are you have heard the bija mantra “OM”.  Om is made up of three syllables, A-U-M and phonetically said like “ahh” “oh” “mm” allowing the sound itself to feel like it has 3 parts.  Om and its three parts can be thought to represent something larger like the heavens, earth and the underworld or the mind, body and spirit.  I think the best definition of Om it its representation of the beginning, the middle and the end.  Others have said that Om is the sound the universe makes.  I also like to point out the vibrational qualities that Om creates for a group of people.  When chanting “om” together we are uniting in voice with those around us and connecting on a deeper level to our community and the world around us.  We are connecting on a vibrational level through sound.

Here is a breakdown of the bija mantras that correlate to each chakra and their uses:

1st: Muladhara or Root Chakra- LAM use this mantra to feel grounded and secure

2nd: Swadisthana or Sacral Chakra- VAM, use this mantra to open to awaken your creativity

3rd: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra- RAM use this mantra to feel confident and tap into your personal power

4th: Anahata or Heart Chakra- YAM use this mantra to open your heart, accept and let go

5th: Vishudda or Throat Chakra- HAM use this mantra to express yourself freely through speech and writing

6th: Ajna or 3rd Eye Chakra- OM use this mantra to discover your purpose or your intention

7th: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra- OM or Silence use this mantra to connect with higher power and spirit

For harnessing your creativity, it would be best to start at the root chakra.  Find a comfortable seated position where you can stay for 5 minutes or so.  Take a normal breath in and a normal breath out.  Notice any thoughts that enter your mind.  Repeat the mantra LAM in your mind or out loud.  Notice the vibrational qualities of the mantra.  Feel LAM and its vibrations down at the base of your seat.  Feel the rooted sensation of your sitting bones on the ground.  Feel the strength of your seat and notice the steadiness of your breath.  When your mind goes back to your thoughts, bring yourself back to your mantra, LAM.  Try this for as long as you’d like.



Have No Fear

Unleashing your creativity is like taking a leap of faith. It can be a scary thing to put your creative foot forward, especially if it means sharing it with other people. Fear is a big factor that often holds people back from doing something exciting, something different, something they’re passionate about. Do not let fear control your happiness.

Make a list of twenty things that sound fun to do but you’re too scared or nervous to do them. If you could do anything without any fear, what would it be? Maybe it’s skydiving, driving a race car, singing in public, opening your own art gallery or deep sea diving. Don’t hold back. Go ahead and make your list now.

Read over your list and choose one thing. How can you take a step forward toward doing that activity this week?

If you want to going extreme mountain biking, maybe you buy a bike. Want to publish a cookbook? Start writing down your recipes. What can you do this month?


Creativity Flow Yoga at the Beach! 

Join Natalie and me for a Creativity Flow Yoga beach class at Malibu Lagoon State Beach Saturday August 22nd at 10am at Tower 3! Enjoy exploring your creativity with yoga, journaling, essential oils, meditation and mantra! We look forward to seeing you there! 

*no registration necessary! Donations accepted! Meet us at: 23200 Pacific Coast Hwy & Cross Creek Rd, Malibu, CA 90263 park in the lot, the road or in Malibu Country Mart & walk along the peaceful & serene Malibu Lagoon path to meet us at the beach! Can’t wait to see you there!




Envision Yourself in the Life You Want

I’ve talked about gathering images and the importance of creating a vision board. The vision board will become a more powerful tool if you envision yourself in that life. Take time to meditate on your board. Imagine how it will feel when you’ve accomplished your dreams. Imagine yourself living the life you want. What would it feel like? Manifest that.

If it helps, glue pictures of yourself onto your board so you can see yourself there. It may help to physically see yourself surrounded by your desires.


Pose with a Partner!

  Sometimes if we feel stuck in a creative rut, we just need a little outside inspiration.  That’s why collaborating is so useful!  The wonderful thing about our minds is that we are all unique individuals with different maps, interpretations, ideas and perspectives.  Enjoy the art of collaboration by participating in this Partner Yoga Pose.  

To begin, find a willing partner to work with!  Sit back to back and place the soles of your feet together in cobbler’s pose.  Feel the length of each other’s spine, notice the broadness of the upper back, feel the support of each other’s shoulder blades and let your heads rest against each other’s.  Notice your own breath, the inhalation and the exhalation.  Then notice your partner’s breath.  Is it fast or slow? Steady or uneven?  Continue to breathe deeply here and notice how after a minute or so your breath cycle starts to feel more in sync and more in rhythm with each other’s.  Stay here for as long as you’d like enjoying this collaborative pose.  Once you are done feel free to brainstorm about your current creative projects and see if you can gather any insight from one another.  Have fun collaborating 🙂 




Baking and cooking are creative acts. Whether you’re mixing ingredients by memory or following along a recipe, baking is a creative mind moving task. Similar to taking a walk or driving, your mind and body are working together, while also being able to think freely about something else. This could also be seen as a type of moving meditation.

Sometimes when I’m working on a project and feeling stuck, I’ll open up a cookbook and see what I can make with the ingredients I have at home. By doing this I’m allowing my creativity to continue to flow in a different direction. It has helped with writers block many times!

I would love to hear how it works out for you! Next time you’re feeling stuck or need a break from a project jump into the kitchen and bake something. Leave a comment about your experience down below or tag me in your picture on social media @NatalieNotions.


Citrus Fresh Essential Oil


I love Citrus Fresh essential oil blend for tapping into creativity! This blend has lemon, spearmint, orange, tangerine, grapefruit and mandarin. It will make you feel uplifted and energized, revitalized and ready to create.
Use this blend to awaken your Svadisthana Chakra, the “seat of your creativity”.  To learn more about chakras, see my earlier post here

To use this oil via inhalation, hold out your hand and place a drop of Citrus Fresh oil in your palm and rub your palms together gently three times. Then place your cupped palms over your nose and smell its citrusy fragrance. Take 5 deep breaths here enjoying this blend. Notice how alert you feel after smelling this blend, you may feel more energized and inspired to create! Let me know how it works for you in the comments below. To order your own click here


5 Tips on How to Get Creative in the Workplace

After sitting at your desk for eight hours, day in and day out, it gets difficult to keep the creative juices flowing. Here are five tips on how to jump start the creative process.

1. Brainstorm. – Set up a brainstorm meeting with your team to talk things through. You can bounce ideas off one another whether it’s for an event, marketing or strategy.
2. Take a walk. – Go for a walk around the building or around the block. When the body is moving so is the mind. The fresh air may help bring some inspiration.
3. Bring in other team members. – Brainstorm meetings are always helpful, but when you’re meeting with the same people your ideas sometimes mesh. Bring in creatives from other teams to hear new perspectives and ideas. Two or three heads are always better than one.
4. Keep creative objects at your desk. – When you look away from the computer you want to look at something inspiring. Keep objects that transcend you to your happy place on your desk. Or items that bring back a memory.
5. Book a conference. – At least once a year book a seat at a motivational or creative conference. This will jump start your creativity in a major way!


What are you seeking?


*For this exercise you will need a notebook and a pen.

Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Notice how when you breathe in your belly and chest will expand and when you breathe out your belly and chest will soften back down. Continue to breathe deeply here.

Remain here in this seated meditation for 10-30 breaths and then open your eyes and find your journal and pen.

Then write this question:
What are you seeking?

Then answer it with the first answer that comes to mind. It can be anything you want to focus on.

Close your journal and come back to the seated meditation. Take a moment to come back to your breath. Think of this answer in your mind. Hold it in your heart. Wear it as a part of you. Feel it throughout your body.
As you breathe in, breathe in what you are seeking, as you breathe out, breathe out what you are seeking. What you are seeking is seeking you.

Try this for as long as feels comfortable. When you are done take a moment to seal this practice in. Place your hands in front of your heart in a prayer position and bow your head to your heart.
